The construction of the current building began in 1626, ending in 1785. From the Plaza de la Vila here in Alaró, we can see the main facade of the temple, flat and sparsely ornamented, according to the most usual patterns of 17th century Mallorcan religious architecture. The interior of the temple, is a single nave, with lateral chapels between the buttresses and covered with a vault of crucifers. A few treasures to enjoy inside, is the altarpiece of Souls of the Purgatory (located in the third chapel to the right), and of course the main altarpiece. The original organ was made in the mid-eighteenth century by Pere Joan Bosch, but due to deterioration it had to be replaced by a newer one made by Grensik. Every Saturday at 11:30h, you can enjoy a free and beautiful organ concert performed in these rousing surroundings.
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