Mallorca Top Restaurantes e Bares


Internacional | Magaluf – Calvià
Byrons 5.0 8
8 Avaliações5.0

Comentários de viajantes
Number of user reviews:85.0
  • Byrons

    Yeah!!! Super ;)

  • Byrons

    Nice, excellent food and service

  • Byrons

    The best...I love Majorca

  • Byrons

    Would highly recommend this hotel to anyone. The staff are very friendly and its very clean

  • Byrons

    Excellent buffet breakfast served at a reasonable time. 08.00-11.00

  • Byrons

    Good service even when it seemed to be rather busy. Thank you for all

  • Byrons

    Una experiencia increíble desayunar en la terraza del buffet y disfrutar del azul del mar desde tan cerca!

  • Byrons

    The luxury breakfast!

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Espanha Internacional

Avenida de Magaluf 18

Bairro: Magaluf – Calvià
Telefone: 971 170016
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