Mallorca Top Restaurantes e Bares

Restaurant S'arrosseria

Cozinha Mediterrânea | Salines (ses)
Restaurant S'arrosseria

If you are in the south of Mallorca and category you want to eat at a reasonable price this is the right restaurant. They have everything, paella, fish and meat. S 'arroseria is located in one of the most exclusive areas of the island, surrounded by majestic beaches that make your environment a suitable place to taste the best paella. The restaurant S 'Arrosseria is located in Colonia de Sant Jordi. Decorated in the style classic parking nearby. Offers a wide ion of kitchen traditional, specializing in rice dishes, stews, fresh fish, meats and stone Mallorcan traditional desserts. It offers takeaway.

Comentários de viajantes
Number of user reviews:20
  • Restaurant S'arrosseria

    Las mejores paellas de la zona, me encantan!

  • Restaurant S'arrosseria

    La de marisca muy pero que muy buena!!!

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Restaurant S'arrosseria
Espanha Cozinha Mediterrânea

5 Carrer Estrella de Mar

Bairro: Salines (ses)
Telefone: +34 971 65 64 32
Site: Visite o site
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