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Pilates Palma

Gyms | Palma de Mallorca
Pilates Palma 5.0 5
5 ratings5.0

The Pilates method is a different form of exercise that will make you better understand your body, achieve emotional balance and improve your appearance and your health. It is a training method based on the concentration, breath control and precision, suitable for people of any age and physical condition. If you are consistent, your muscles will get stronger, you will tone and increase flexibility. Improve your posture and you will reduce the pain. Moldearás your body to creating a slimmer figure. In our center we provide the means necessary for the realization of personalized exercises in a relaxed atmosphere with the help of qualified instructors. We also offer dance classes in different styles: contemporary, zumba, etc ....

Travelers reviews
Number of user reviews:75.0
  • Pilates Palma

    Siden dette området vil føle deg mye bedre. Det har hjulpet meg med å forbedre min mentale helse og min fleksibilitet

  • Pilates Palma

    No solo dan pilates, también zumba y otros estilos…mens sana in corpore sano. :D

  • Pilates Palma

    Pilates + Zumba, éxito asegurado en tu cuerpo.

  • Pilates Palma

    Las clases de pilates son una pasada, yo lo estoy notando en mi cuerpo serrano...jejejej

  • Pilates Palma

    Control, tonification, respiration and concentration. Healthy!

  • Pilates Palma

    Para mi el mejor centro de pilates de Palma. Y eso que ya he probado un par. Muy buenos

  • Pilates Palma

    Estupendos profesionales. El pilates en maquina, increíble

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Pilates Palma
Spania Gyms

1 Carrer Avinyó

Neighborhood: Palma de Mallorca
Telephone: 971 45 26 40
E-mail: Send an email
Website: Visit the website
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