Mallorca Top レストランやバー

Ses Deveres

地中海美食 | Selva
Ses Deveres 5.0 3
3 評価5.0

Ses Deveres restaurant is located at the foot of the municipal pool Caimari, the paddle court and the football field seven in addition to a park to enjoy with the little ones. It offers traditional Mallorcan cuisine, highlighting the cod with roasted peppers, roasted by themselves. It is also known for its exquisite pizzas, we recommend the pizza with spinach, tomatoes and anchovies, plus loin with Majorcan sausage. The menu is full of salads, burgers and pambolis to good price. Do not forget that weekday find an outstanding menu. It has a very large interior room, tastefully decorated, ideal for large meals. It also has a huge terrace for hot nights where you can also enjoy combined, caipirinhas and mojitos.

Number of user reviews:15.0
  • Ses Deveres

    El Gordon Blue casero, el mejor que he probado! Volveremos!

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Ses Deveres
スペイン 地中海美食

Piscina Municipal de Caimari - Parc Etnòlogic

Neighborhood: Selva
電話: 618 26 77 09
Website: Webサイトを見る
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