Mallorca Top レストランやバー


タパス | Palma de Mallorca
Beewi 5.0 2
2 評価5.0

Beewi is more than a restaurant, it's a social club in the center of Palma where you always meet someone. Bar skewers are one of its distinguishing features, as well as a varied menu with strictly Mediterranean dishes with Asian accents and very occasionally. Daily menu noon and weekends themed meals. The glasses are then also an attractive Beewi. There is also the possibility of hiring catering home in different ways. Incidentally !!! The Coulant is superb !!!

Number of user reviews:55.0
  • Beewi

    Un clásico de Palma. Excelentes menús a buen precios al mediodía y pinchos, buenos vinos y copas por la noche. Genial!

  • Beewi

    Ya era hora de que abriesen un local así en Palma. Buen ambiente, decoración, personal... para un gin tonic o una comida. Me ha encantado.

  • Beewi

    The best noodles!

  • Beewi

    A modern site where i felt at ease and the food is the best quality

  • Beewi

    Highlight the good service and the variety of the menu, recommended restaurant.

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スペイン タパス

Paseo Mallorca 3

Neighborhood: Palma de Mallorca
電話: 871956552
Website: Webサイトを見る
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