Mallorca Top レストランやバー

Restaurante Sandro

イタリア料理 | Palma de Mallorca
Restaurante Sandro 5.0 5
5 評価5.0

Sandro is a restaurant located in a simple and elegant setting. Your details take us back to the glorious Roman times. The colors, the background music and good taste are just some of the attributes of this restaurant. Sandro and his team care for their guests with its famous and recognized professionalism. Starters, pasta, risotto, meat, fish, pizzas, desserts ... Just say what you want and they will suggest the best variety of dishes to satisfy your desires.

Number of user reviews:55.0
  • Restaurante Sandro

    De los mejores sitio que he probado en Mallorca

  • Restaurante Sandro

    La comida está deliciosa

  • Restaurante Sandro

    Excellent place in Majorca

  • Restaurante Sandro

    El tartar está rico rico...y el servicio es muy bueno

  • Restaurante Sandro

    Los postres están de muerte!!!

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Restaurante Sandro
スペイン イタリア料理

9 Carrer Ramon y Cajal

Neighborhood: Palma de Mallorca
電話: +34 971 96 23 11
Website: Webサイトを見る
火 ~ 日13:00 ~ 15:30
19:30 ~ 23:00
休業日 月00:00 ~ 00:00
近隣スポット Restaurante Sandro

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