The health of the spine is essential to the proper functioning of the nervous system and, by extension, our whole body. The column, mobile and flexible, acts as a hub and hosts the bone that connects the brain to the rest of the body, leaving her all the nerves that collect the painful, thermal sensitivity, movement orders ... Chiropractic is presented, therefore, as a solution for people who come to her with such disparate conditions like herniated discs, back pain, pinching, dizziness, structural problems, scoliosis and deviations, numbness, back pain, migraines, sciatica or arthritis ... since their function is restored to its original state the nervous system through spinal adjustments.
We offer facial Treatments with Klapp cosmetics and modern high-tech techniques such as radiofrequency, microdermabrasion, facial lifting and eyelash extensions. In our salon, we use only the best products for the cleansing, health and beauty of your hands and feet, gel nails, permanent French, pedicures and nail art. Enjoy our variety of Massages and body scrubs. Get yourself into shape with our state-of-the-art slimmimg treatments. We also offer hair removal and waxing.
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